[Woodworkers] Wooden countertop cleaning

Brian Johnson serversage at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 07:30:44 PST 2016

Hey Folks -

My wife and I recently moved into a flat that has a few issues, and the 
landlord has tasked me to "see what I can do".

The flat (apartment for you fellow yanks) has a wood countertop. Behind 
the sink it's pretty clear the previous tenants didn't care and let it 
sit with standing water.  It has evidence of some mold, and severe 
discoloration. Mr. and Mrs. Landlord asked me if there was anything that 
could be done. So I'm asking you.  :) Any suggestions on how to handle it?

Second, how to prevent it from happening again. My wife asked if there 
was something we could put back there to prevent it from collecting 
water, and she didn't like my idea of cutting up a pool noodle and 
caulking it in. She mumbled something about me being an idiot as she 
walked away. So I figured I would ask the collective. I'll let you 
decide what we are a collective of.

Thanks folks!


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