[Woodworkers] Bread board ends

Scott Rohan=Smith wdworkr at smittysplace.net
Wed Oct 30 15:09:04 PDT 2024

I'm starting a project that has a couple of panels that need bread board
ends. They're pretty small panels so I'm not too worried about movement but
just in case ... I've seen lots of different approaches to doing bread board
ends, anybody got a favorite way of doing it?




Smitty aka Scott Rohan-Smith

Missoula, MT


Doh, a beer I want a beer

Ray, the guy who buys me beer

Me, the guy whom Ray buys beer

Fa, a long way to go for beer

So, I think I'll have a beer

La, La la la la la la

Ti, no thanks I'll have a beer

And that will bring us back to Doh! Doh! Doh!


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