[Woodworkers] A Woodworking Joke

via Woodworkers woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Fri Jul 14 11:49:24 PDT 2017

Royce that a great joke!!

Gary Williams

-----Original Message-----
From: Royce Killion via Woodworkers <woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org>
To: A place where woodworkers talk about woodworking <woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org>
Sent: Thu, Jul 13, 2017 8:14 pm
Subject: [Woodworkers] A Woodworking Joke

A joke delivered in an email from USRouter Tools

      A Woodworking Joke

A lumberjack from        Ontario decided to tour across America, when he got to Oregon he        fell in love with the area so decided to find a job and settle        down.
He applied for the        open position of "Log Inspector" at one of the local mills so        the foreman and the owner take him out to see what he really        knows.
The foreman stops        the truck and points to a tree and says, "What species is that        big tree over there, and how many board feet of lumber does it        contain?"
"That's a Douglas        Fir, 383 board feet." the lumberjack answers, the foreman can        see the owner is impressed.
They continue on        about another mile and the foreman points to another tree and        asks the same question.
        "Hemlock, 285 board feet." the lumberjack answers, again the        owner is visibly impressed.
After the third        stop the owner is praising the lumberjack's talent and foreman        is getting a bit worried that this new guy is actually smarter        than him, 
        he has to do something to make him look bad. He stops the truck        and hands the lumberjack a piece do chalk, " Get out and mark        the front of that big tree over there," he says winking at the        owner.
The lumberjack gets        out, walks around the tree while looking at the ground, stops        and puts an X on the tree and returns to the truck.
        "How in the heck do you know that is the front of the tree?" the        foreman asks sarcastically.
        "Cause somebody took a shit behind it." the lumberjack replied.
He got the        foreman's job.
I want to be one of my friends for a day so I can see how cool it is to hang out with me.
Woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org

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