[Woodworkers] Liquid nails or Tite bond III

Joe Johns via Woodworkers woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Tue Nov 10 14:41:17 PST 2015

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Herb Treuil wrote:

Which glue is better?
> I am building an arched garden bench. I need to bend two 1x4 ten ft long
> which should I use?

Well, ​Liquid Nails is not a "glue" it's more a globular substance that
keeps things from moving - by that I mean non-stress.  Having said that,
I've never used (or ever heard of) Liquid Nails in anything exterior so I'm
gonna say no to that.

Moving right along...bending a solid 1 x 4 10' long is gonna be quite the
task - so I guess what we peons need to know is what kinda arch will this
be and what the two 1 x 4s will be doing before you can get something
worthy of relying on.

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