[Woodworkers] Ninja salmon ladders

Doug Pauls via Woodworkers woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Sat Nov 7 19:15:42 PST 2015

Good evening all,

I got a request this morning from my 20 year old son who is in the Army ROTC  program at Iowa State University.  He wanted me to make him a salmon ladder.  I thought that was might odd as the only salmon that I knew of in Ames, Iowa is at the local grocery store on ice.  

Apparently he was referring to one of these:

Well, sure, I can do something like that son.  
Oh, can you make it for indoors and make it collapsible so I can set it up and break it down at will?

Before I go off spending time on calculations, has anyone on the list ever made one of these, or know of someone who made one and made it collapsible?  

Cedar Doug

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