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Hey Folks -<br>
I'm finally back in the states after 5 years living abroad, and starting
to get my garage shop set back up. Part of that is acquiring some
lumber. Yesterday I picked up 14 boards, all 4/4 x 100" x 6" or 8",
species unknown. I've attached two photos, one of a board that still had
a bit of bark on it, and another showing the grain. Based on that I'm
thinking it's oak, but the gentleman I picked it up from thought it
might be hard maple. He's had it sitting in his garage for over 10 years,
so the memory is likely fuzzy. <br>
Normally I wouldn't care, but I'm going to be trading some with my uncle
and would like to be able to tell him what it is. So, any ideas?<br>
Thanks Folks!<br>