[Woodworkers] I put in an offer...

Dave Heitstuman DaveH at sphcontrols.com
Thu Jun 8 14:11:46 PDT 2023

House in the country.  Check
Built in the 30’s but updated Check*
165 X 68 shop.  HOLY SH…….   I’d have to leave a trail of wood chips to find my way out
150 x 55 shop.  Now your just rubbing it in
800A service?  That might be a bit spooky.  Is it 3 phase?  Either way the power bill might be enough to scare me away.  Up here once you jump to 400 amp service the monthly base goes up fairly significantly so I’d hate to think what 800 would be.  3 phase could put you into demand charges which can double your bill for the month if you use over a set base of power at any given time during the month.  Average homeowner would probably never hit that amount but the base for 3 phase is probably fairly high as well.

*Fully updated by a licensed contractor(S) Having seen some of the stuff done by house flippers anymore I would be leery unless all the permits are there showing it was inspected and approved.

From: Woodworkers On Behalf Of Steve Bigelow via Woodworkers
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2023 9:30 AM
To: Sawdusters <woodworkers at sawdusters.org>
Cc: Steve Bigelow <sbig333 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Woodworkers] I put in an offer...

I just put in an offer on a house in the country this morning. The house was built in 1930, so a bit older, but it was remodeled a few years back and updated. Unfortunately, druggies broke in and ripped out most of the fixtures and all of the appliances.

The property also comes with some decent shop space. 165x68 ft. I might just have a big enough shop at that point.... Hmmm. Was that a factor?

It also has a smaller 150x55 ft shop as well if I don't have enough room in the bigger space, and then there is a 3 car garage plus an RV storage with two stalls.

Both shops are wired for 800A service.

There are multiple offers already on the house, so crossing my fingers.

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