[Woodworkers] Trucks for Charity update

Scott Rohan=Smith wdworkr at smittysplace.net
Mon Aug 28 19:28:26 PDT 2023

The lid on the garbage can is askew also …


From: Woodworkers [mailto:woodworkers-bounces at lists.sawdusters.org] On Behalf Of Royce Killion via Woodworkers
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:13 PM
To: woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Cc: Royce Killion
Subject: Re: [Woodworkers] Trucks for Charity update


Really nice! Do you guys paint them or send em out like they are? I'm sure they are a big hit and a welcome gift either way.

Oh, and Joe would still point out the discrepancy and maybe how your little box of kindling is not arranged as neatly as it should be....just saying.




On 8/28/2023 4:10 PM, Dave Heitstuman via Woodworkers wrote:

We kind of hit a milestone this weekend with the completion of at least 10 of each.  There have been some lessons learned;  some how did that happen moments; some lets not do that again hurdles, and at least one or two what was I thinking thoughts run through my head……


One fellow has been helping out 1 day a week pretty much every week since we started.  The other 2 that offered have not followed through…..

I’m at that point where they really are not that bad to do and kind of fun, although there is also a feeling of, I gotta keep on this every possible moment, if I want to hit my target of 30 each by I think mid-November.  We are ready to go with all the parts and pieces to build the next 10 of each next weekend, I will pay closer attention to what that time frame actually is.  With that I may be able to determine if we can get another 10 of each start to finish.  


OH and for those of you that think you are Joe and start counting to verify that there are at least 10 of each yes there is only 9 cement trucks, #10 was over on the bench.  I didn’t want to retake the pictures after I realized it so there are only 9 here J



I want to be one of my friends for a day so I can see how cool it is to hang out with me.
Woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
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