[Woodworkers] Graham McColluch

gcw804 at aol.com gcw804 at aol.com
Mon Dec 28 09:29:46 PST 2020

So sorry to see that he has left us.I always looked forward to his monthly column.

Gary Williams

-----Original Message-----
From: John McCaskill via Woodworkers <woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org>
To: woodworkers at sawdusters.org
Cc: John McCaskill <jmccaskill at gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 28, 2020 9:22 am
Subject: Re: [Woodworkers] Graham McColluch

I’m still here. Quiet, but here
John McCaskill/Texas

Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice.
A life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?

On Dec 27, 2020, at 8:44 PM, Steve Bigelow via Woodworkers <woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org> wrote:

I came across this today. Graham was a member of the list for years.
Really makes me wonder how many of us are left.
RIP Graham. I enjoyed many of your columns.

I want to be one of my friends for a day so I can see how cool it is to hang out with me.
Woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org

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I want to be one of my friends for a day so I can see how cool it is to hang out with me.
Woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org

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