[Woodworkers] Fwd: windows

via Woodworkers woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Mon Mar 27 12:47:51 PDT 2017

It's Zombiolic gas to stop a Zombie, Zombolic gas only stops a Zomb.

On Mon, 27 Mar 2017 13:36:15 -0600, Joe Johns via Woodworkers
<woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 10:51 AM, 2Dave opined:
> Therompane???  Really Joe?
> ​Well, that is the term when there are two or more panes of glass to
> create a vacuum between them.  Like Johnny-O said, "I is be thinkin’
> that “thermopane” is generic for any higher tech window" and he is
> correct, you can get them UV and with argon gas (to keep the Argonians
> away but it wont keep out Zombies - youll need windows with a touch of
> Zombolic gas in them - itll prolly cost extra though). 
> You better study up on your vinyl window construction
> ​I think Im up on it pretty gud. 
> Thermopane technology has gone the way of the dodo bird.
> ​Them damn dodos (dodoes?) always going outta the way. 
> There is all kinds of nifty technology using argon gas and thin layers
> mylar (or some other thin material) to defeat UV and heat transfer from
> the sun.
> ​Yeah, windows are so complicated - you just dont pull back the curtain
> and look out them any more. 
> FYI I looked at Cascade Windows and they have some nifty energy saving
> technology in their frames that was very intriguing but the salesman
> turned me off.
> ​His lipstick color turned you off, did it?

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