[Woodworkers] About a week ago...

Harvey Freeman via Woodworkers woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Mon Sep 7 04:19:44 PDT 2015

Hello Joe and all;

I have an aluminum dish which is about the same shape and size as the satellite dish.  40 years ago it was a “flying saucer” used my kids sliding down snow covered slopes.  About zero control of direction.

A few years ago I hung it by three points from a tree as a bird bath.  Worked really well

I had bird feeders in the winter but the pigeons became too numerous and I totally quit feeding birds.  I sure would like to go back to feeding birds but no one has a sure fire way to do a feeder that deals with the pigeons. 

Harvey Freeman

From: Royce Killion via Woodworkers 
Sent: Sunday, September 06, 2015 11:56 PM
To: woodworkers at sawdusters.org ; Dave Howerton 
Subject: Re: [Woodworkers] About a week ago...

I agree, Joe is touched......har I kill myself.


On Sun, 06 Sep 2015 20:01:04 -0500, Dave Howerton via Woodworkers <woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org> wrote:

  >Bird 3:  "To Kill A Mockingbird"
  >Birds 1, 2, 4 and 5:  "We're going over to the Smith's"

  Classic, Joe! You haven't lost your touch, my friend...

  Big Dave

  PS - The bird feeder ain't bad, either.

  On Sunday, September 6, 2015 3:20 PM, Joe Johns via Woodworkers <woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org> wrote:

  On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 8:24 AM, Clint Warren wrote:

    Are you going to at least paint it so the birds don't think they're getting HBO?

  ​No, I'm gonna hang tin foil hats on the post so's they can be safe from that sorta stuff.

    Bird1:  "Come here often?"
    Bird2: "No.  Just when everything else is closed.  Game of Thrones is never on"

  ​Then Bird 3, 4 and 5 land on the perch.

  Bird 4:  "Game of Thrones is such drivel​."
  Bird 5:  "Donchu know it, Agnes!  I watch Days of our Lives through the window over at the Smith house"
  Bird 2:  "Whodahell is this Joe guy giving up such digs as this, anyway?"
  Bird 3:  "I dunno but he's a A-Ok in my book!"
  Bird 1:  "Book?  Hey Stoopid, you can't read a book b'cuz you can't turn the pages...you ain't got any lips!"
  Bird 2:  "He can read the title."
  Bird 3:  "That's right, I can!"

  Bird 5:  "Ohh, yeah, what's it say?"
  Bird 3:  "To Kill A Mockingbird"
  Birds 1, 2, 4 and 5:  "We're going over to the Smith's"

  ​Someone stop me!​



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