[Woodworkers] ADMIN - Please Read

via Woodworkers woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Fri Jun 19 10:24:59 PDT 2015

Thanks for hosting our mailing list.

Gary Williams

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Johns <woodwork at twistedknotwoodshop.com>
To: Sawdusters <woodworkers at sawdusters.org>
Sent: Fri, Jun 19, 2015 6:50 am
Subject: [Woodworkers] ADMIN - Please Read

To all,  
First and foremost, a very special thank you goes out to Frank Romeo for his generosity in providing our new home.  Frank is a woodworker and a member of our list, he's also the same Frank I went to New Jersey for to help build his shop.  So, without further ado...    
   We are now on our new server.  
During the changeover I was more than elated when Frank informed me the software running our list is the exact same as what we had with Jason...Mailman.  However, moving to the new server means a couple of the URLs have changed:    
General list information page -    http://lists.sawdusters.org/listinfo.cgi/woodworkers-sawdusters.org  
List archives -    http://lists.sawdusters.org/pipermail/woodworkers-sawdusters.org/  
Same information is there, just different addresses.  The list archives currently sitting back at Jason's end will be moved over to Frank in the next couple of days.  
There are a total of four list admins; Steve Bigelow, Frank Romeo, Tom Lovelace and myself.  
Everything else is the same so sit back, have fun and enjoy the ride.  
​That is all.   
The Twisted Knot Woodshop, "There's never been a classier joint"    
Visit the Twisted Knot Woodshop -      http://www.twistedknotwoodshop.com    

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Woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org

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