[Woodworkers] ADMIN - Please Read
via Woodworkers
woodworkers at lists.sawdusters.org
Fri Jun 19 10:24:59 PDT 2015
Thanks for hosting our mailing list.
Gary Williams
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Johns <woodwork at twistedknotwoodshop.com>
To: Sawdusters <woodworkers at sawdusters.org>
Sent: Fri, Jun 19, 2015 6:50 am
Subject: [Woodworkers] ADMIN - Please Read
To all,
First and foremost, a very special thank you goes out to Frank Romeo for his generosity in providing our new home. Frank is a woodworker and a member of our list, he's also the same Frank I went to New Jersey for to help build his shop. So, without further ado...
We are now on our new server.
During the changeover I was more than elated when Frank informed me the software running our list is the exact same as what we had with Jason...Mailman. However, moving to the new server means a couple of the URLs have changed:
General list information page - http://lists.sawdusters.org/listinfo.cgi/woodworkers-sawdusters.org
List archives - http://lists.sawdusters.org/pipermail/woodworkers-sawdusters.org/
Same information is there, just different addresses. The list archives currently sitting back at Jason's end will be moved over to Frank in the next couple of days.
There are a total of four list admins; Steve Bigelow, Frank Romeo, Tom Lovelace and myself.
Everything else is the same so sit back, have fun and enjoy the ride.
That is all.
The Twisted Knot Woodshop, "There's never been a classier joint"
Visit the Twisted Knot Woodshop - http://www.twistedknotwoodshop.com
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